So, I’m sitting here in the great room (what a living room is called in a log house) as the snow piles up around me. Wind is howling–really. Trees are shuddering under the weight of heavy snow and the buffeting of wind. I just dug the barn out so I could feed the horses, who are annoyed at their confinement. Well, they can be annoyed–I’m not letting them out until the storm ends in three hours or so. Our power has been off all morning, but we have a generator. Unfortunately, my computer upstairs isn’t hooked up to it, and I could not continue revising Fire-heart without a VERY long extension cord.
I thought about it, but decided it was a sign that I should take a step back, relax, and reconnect with the “real” world. I made some cocoa (the microwave IS on the gennie), invited Bob (my Border Collie) into my lap, and just. Kept. Still.
I love a good blizzard.
The power is back on now…back to work for me. But I’ll still listen to the wind, watch the snow fly, and maybe have some more cocoa. I need to keep revising…I know. But my heart longs to get back into Book Five. After all, the characters are stuck in the middle of a blizzard right now. 😉
Later, friends!