Readers and friends! Welcome to GENCON 2020! I’m really glad our organizers came up with this idea of a virtual Con so we can at least make contact with the people and vendors we look forward to seeing every year. I’ll be to catching up with my fellow authors, a couple of my favorite vendors, and (hopefully) you guys. It’s not the same, I know, but it’s what we’ve got. So…news? Like everyone else, “it which must not be named”, aka “The Virus”, has affected everyone. So far Jeff and I are fine, but we are being careful. I have been doing a lot of riding and horse archery, since neither requires being around groups of people. And doing some writing, too. Your new novel is still in process—this one has proven a bit difficult, but the roadblocks have cleared and I can now see my way to the finish. It’s gonna be good. I miss you. I will really miss seeing you this weekend, but I will look forward to next year, and hope that you will chat with me on my website’s “chat” feature. Feel free to send new readers my way, as well. One positive of the virtual convention is that it has forced us to address our long-neglected website. Seriously—I think the most recent blog post is dated 2015. Yeah, I know. We have links on the site to purchase books, if you need them. Also, if you want signed copies, you can contact me directly via this site. Chat with me. I’ll make sure your questions are answered and I’ll arrange for signed copies to be sent directly to you. Have as much fun as you can under the circumstances. This, too, shall pass. My best wishes for the health and prosperity of all involved. Stay Safe, OK?