Books from C.S. Marks
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Book 1 of the Elfhunter Trilogy
This is the tale of Gorgon Elfhunter, a monstrous, mysterious creature who has sworn to destroy all the Elves of Alterra—until none remain. It is the story of Wood-elven heroine Gaelen Taldin, who has sworn to rid her world of the Elfhunter even as she is hunted by him. The conflict between them is a tangled web that blurs the line between Light and Darkness, love and obsession, free will and fate. Filled with moments both tender and terrifying, thrilling yet thought-provoking, it is a timeless epic fantasy suitable for readers of all ages. Join the Company of Elves, dwarves, mortal men, and delightfully intelligent horses. Come to Alterra—the ‘World that Is.’
Book 2 of the Elfhunter Trilogy
…the Company embarks on a thousand-mile odyssey through vast lands both savage and civilized, where they encounter a great variety of strange, sometimes hostile people. Their eyes are opened to many wonders, but evil lurks at every turn as destiny takes them onto unexpected paths. Battling through blood, treachery, fire, and thirst, they must ultimately face the “Scourge”—a terrible army of the worst dregs ever to roam the desert—and its nearly insurmountable weapon. Meanwhile, Gaelen of the Greatwood has summoned Gorgon Elfhunter to follow after her, knowing that the journey has only delayed their final reckoning. Should he find her, even the strength and will of the Fire-heart might not be enough!

Book 3 of the Elfhunter Trilogy
No war truly ends with the last battle...
Gorgon Elfhunter-defeated,disheartened,desperate-has never given himself over to the will of another.
Gaelen Taldin-reluctant Elven warrior-fights to save her sanity, her people, and her world.
Lord Kotos-Puersuader, Beguiler, Deceiver-ancient and deadly agent of a greater evil, faces what may be his most daunting challenge.
In the final chapter of the Elfhunter trilogy, fate turns on the outcome of a cunning gambit as old as Evil itself.
When arrogance blids perception
When obsession conquers reason
When the urge to kill is stronger than the will to live...
The first in the Undiscovered Realm Series
A new journey into undiscovered realms begins about 20 years after the end of the exciting Elfhunter trilogy. Several of our favorite characters accompany a mysterious group as they step cautiously out of the shadows.

Fire King
An Alterra History
The Shadow has come to Alterra: a force of such power and terror that none may stand against it. It has but one purpose: to lure Aincor to his doom.
If the King falls --- what of the Kingdom?
The Shadow-man
An Alterra History
The road to mayhem, the road to madness, the road to manhood...
The boy knew it was wrong to kill. He believe in human kindness -- until he saw unimaginable acts of savagery spurred by the terror of a desperate mob.
Casting aside friends, family, and honor, he walks the assassins' road -- away from the light --- into deceit and denial.
Shadow-warrior, Shadow-life, Shadow-man

Iron Promises
An Alterra History
My name is Rogond, and I am a mortal man.
My first mistake, so everyone tells me, was in giving my heart to an Elf --- especially one so impetuous, fire-hearted and feral. My second mistake was expecting her not to get us all into trouble up to our necks...
Tales of the Skulking Raven
An Anthology
Prepare to embark on a journey into the mind of C.S. Marks, author of the beloved Elfhunter series. In this collection you’ll find a total of twelve offerings: nine short stories, two poems, and a full-length novella. Whether you crave adventure, suspense, humor, pathos, or dark irony, there’s something for you in the Skulking Raven—that infamously seamy tavern-of-ill-repute. The wine and ale are cheap and potent, the kaffa strong, and the food acceptable, though we would recommend having someone you don’t like taste it first.